Sunday, October 27, 2013

Scary Movie Month, Day 27

Evil Dead 2

I don't know who it was that came up with the term "splatstick" to describe Sam Raimi's particular brand of mayhem, but it feels like the perfect fit. Even now over 25 years after its release Evil Dead 2 still feels energetic and fresh, and it's so unafraid to go over the top that it leaves the top many miles below itself somewhere in the first reel.

I tend to forget just how much of this movie is "The Bruce Campbell Show"...he spends a surprising amount of screentime completely alone, dealing with the diabolical forces released by the Book of the Dead. The fact that he manages to be as sympathetic as he is while going batshit crazy (and making a huge mess of that cabin) is a testament to how strong a presence Campbell is and how much fun he made Ash as a character despite the fact that we're two movies in and still know nothing about him other than his name, his resilience in the face of almost certain death, and his proclivity for antiquated expressions of satisfaction. Oh, and he has very little luck dating women who don't become possessed by ancient demons and try to swallow his soul. He's 0 for 2 on that count thus far.

There are 3 movies in the Evil Dead series (plus a remake that left me cold) and for my money, this is the best of the bunch. I enjoy all 3, but this one finds just the right balance between horror and comedy, and while its commitment to total insanity never wavers, it doesn't become numbing like so many other movies that try to attempt relentlessness do. It's an incredibly difficult balancing act, and Raimi makes it look as easy and effortless as cutting off your own demon-possessed hand with a chainsaw. I mean that as the highest possible compliment.

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